Flash Fiction #20 – Burn this Note!

Flash Fiction #20 – Burn this Note!

Spair key iz in frog statue. 

Oh. Ware gloves! 

Give Spot ham and he wont bark. 

Daddy haz one of hiz guns 

in front door clozet. 

Parents room upstairs, 

2nd door to right.  

Shoot daddy 1rst. 

In the head. 

He iz a light sleeper. 

Shoot moma next.

Shill screem, 

thats okay. 

Should be able to finish her off quick. 

Steel her jewlry. 

Go to my room. 

You no where that iz. 🙂 

I’ll be awake of course. (He he.) 

Shoot me in sholder. 


Throw gun in grass. 

I’ll call 911. 

Will be together then. 


Burn this note!