This is an archive of flash fiction pieces I’ve made publicly available. To be the first to see my newest pieces every week, subscribe to my newsletter here. You can purchase physical and digital copies of the collections here.
Five-year-old Eli leaned against the dock. Walter hoped that a fish pulling on the line would coax his son over. No dice; little Eli watched in furrowed judgment. Walter had…
She can’t stop crying as she watches her body floating on the lake.One morning swim alone, one cramp, and now it is all over.Dead at 22.She was going to make…
Her eyes twinkled and sparkled like stars,filled to the brim with love for him.Her mouth was covered by blankets,but he could tell from her eyes that she hid an ear-to-ear…
They done a awful good job, I’ll give them that.The mashed potatoes and gravy are almost as good as Gamma’s.Fried chicken is better.Offer it to my visitor,but he don’t wanna…
Hopper’s hand shook as he lifted the shot glass.Three months sober,the longest he’d gone.Drink, the spirits inside him whispered. He closed his eyes and inhaled.The sweet fumes excited the spirits.Drink! He brought it…
“Wow, what a view,” says the man dangling in Apexman’s arms.The man smiles as they soar,unbecoming of a human who just jumped out of a 30-story building. “Would you mind going…
Once upon a time,in a poor village,to a poor family,was born the most beautiful baby.Every passing day,her beauty grew.On her 18th birthday,her family sold her.They told her she was lucky.To…
Holly prayed as she drove up the old woman’s dirt road.Gwen, her 8-year-old, never came home.None of the neighbors had seen her.No one left to ask except...“She’s a witch, mom,…
The solar power lamp post’s warranty promised 10 years,but it has lasted nearly double.It hums with life, promising many more.A power plant fire blackened it many years agoand yet it…
"When I was a kid,I raced to get to sleepbefore the sun went down.If I wasn’t asleep by midnight at the latest,this ghost thing would come out,paralyze me,suck the fear…