Flash Fiction #39 – Jim the Cockatoo

Flash Fiction #39 – Jim the Cockatoo

CONTENT WARNING: Animal Cruelty, Animal Death


Taj wanted to fly me to his town home in Perth. 

I refused. 

I wouldn’t leave Jim, 

my beloved cockatoo. 

He’d panic whenever I wasn’t by his side. 

He was my buddy, 

never even caged him. 

Taj paid for Jim to fly first class with us.


I should’ve freed Jim from the cage when we landed. 

My love-making with Taj was interrupted by a clatter. 

The cage was on the floor. 

My bestfriend had pushed his head through the bars 

trying to get out. 

When it fell, 

he broke his neck. 

I flew back alone, 

no boy, 

no bird.